Apropos of Roberto Bolaño’s speech on the subject of exile, which I mentioned in an earlier post, I recommend a visit to Jerome Rothenberg’s recent post presenting a selection of luminous “detached sentences” on the same subject by Ian Hamilton Finlay. Why, I wonder, did Finlay want to avoid calling these aphorisms? Maybe it’s just too pigeonholing a term. He was clearly a person who did not care to be categorized.
What a good idea, Fragment Fridays. Don over at Issa's Untidy Hut just started Haiku Wednesdays a week or so ago. (Only a matter of time before someone comes up with a call for Monday Musings, Gothic Tuesdays, Thursday Drawings, or Saturday Songs!) #5 I kept going back to for some reason, wondering if you had added a third line, what it might say. Enjoyed reading them. Thanks.