A Man with a Slant Rhyme: Contemplating Ted Kooser
Among my early memories are verses from Mother Goose. The perfect rhymes stick with me, sometimes within lines (“Hay-foot, straw-foot”) and sometimes nailed down at the ends of lines (“Hickory, dickory, dock, / The mouse ran up the clock”). Sometimes the rhymes did not quite align: “This little piggy went to market, / This little piggy stayed home, / This little piggy had roast beef, / This little piggy had none.” I was told that I said to my mother, “‘home” and ‘none’ don’t rhyme.” “But look,” she said. “‘This little piggy’ repeats.Read More
The First Review of 2022
The first review (5 stars) of Under Sleep’s New Moon just appeared on Amazon. Especially heartening because it was posted by fellow poet and novelist* Dan Guenther. Good notice is all the sweeter when it comes from another ink-stained wretch! _________________ * I realize that this phrase seems to imply that I am a novelist.Read More
From My New Book
My poem ” Black Willow” appears in the December 2020 issue of O:JA&L (Open: Journal of Arts & Letters). You can also find it in my new book, Under Sleep’s New Moon, forthcoming July 1 from NYQ Books. NYQ published The World As Is: New & Selected Poems in 2016. O:JA&L is one of those gorgeous journals that would be impossible to produce in print unless you were a billionaire.Read More
The Worldwide Launch of The World As Is
Over to the right you’ll see a photo of my new, big fat collection of poems, The World As Is: New & Selected Poems, 1972-2015. My author’s copies arrived today from the publisher, NYQ Books, and oh my, NYQ did a beautiful job of production. Many thanks to Raymond Hammond, my editor at NYQ, a gentleman, fellow poet, critic, layout artist, and committed poetry lover who lavished a great deal of time on this project. His good taste and good sense have made the book better from punctuation to page and cover design.Read More
Details about My New & Selected Poems (the AWP flyer)
Rabbit Ears!
Just a quick note to say that NYQ Books has just released a tuned-in/turned-on anthology of poems about TV called Rabbit Ears. The sumptuous (130 poets, 348 pages) book, edited by poet Joel Allegretti, is, at this moment, the “#1 New Release” among poetry anthologies on Amazon, and a few days ago it earned a strong, positive review in The Boston Globe.Read More