Adios, Jim Harrison
I just this morning finished Jim Harrison’s latest collection of poems, Dead Man’s Float—as luminous and robust as all of Jim Harrison’s writing, so I’m taking his loss, which I found out about a few hours later, quite personally.Read More
Laureation; Against Single-Mindedness; etc.
Gov. Hickenlooper, Melody, and I on the west steps of the Capitol Many of you know that in early September I was chosen by Governor John Hickenlooper to serve for the next four years as Poet Laureate of Colorado. It’s a great honor, of course, even more so because Gov. Hickenlooper was an English major with an early interest in creative writing.Read More
Friday Notebook 11.25.11
Happy Birthday, M’Love! THE SECRET for Melody,her birthday Sun’s just up, stars hidden. Eachwith a hand on the other’s hip,the secret in hertouchingthe secret in me.Read More
Triple Birder Alert
A heartfelt welcome to three new Perpetual Birders. One is my lovely wife Melody, who now has her own yoga blog called Patanjali’s Breath and (I guess) has decided to find out what kind of blather I’m engaged in two or three days a week. The second is our great friend Sabina Espinet, a fine visual artist who brings the same colorful sensibility to her work as a Web designer.Read More