Mark Your Calendar for These Free Events!
Get Lit! in Trinidad … on the Historic Santa Fe Trail
I’m very much looking forward to The Fifth Annual Corazón de Trinidad Literary Festival! I’ll be joining some terrific writers for readings and workshops, including PW Covington, Kate Kingston, Kathryn Winograd, Aaron Abeyta, Ginna Pollack & Senora Banana, Lindy Simmons, SETH, Michele Battiste, and the inimitable Art Goodtimes. Join us for all or part of this 3-day event.Read More
Adventures in Reading 2022
PART ONE: DISTRACTION AND ENCHANTMENT 2022 was unkind to my habit of reading lots of books. Partly my paid work was to blame: growing pains (which I am too old for) of the professional kind. Then there was the several weeks I wasted on Thomas Mann‘s Doctor Faustus, which I had to abandon. What drudgery! What a distraction! I’d read and admired a number of Mann’s short stories, but Doctor Faustus struck me as all posturing, a ponderous performance with no point in sight, almost every moment of it arriving via second- or third-hand reports about Mann’s fictional, Schoenbergian composer, Adrian Leverkühn.Read More
Cult of the Fragment
The final chapter of A. Alvarez‘s thoughtful short book, The Writer’s Voice, is titled “The Cult of Personality and the Myth of the Artist,” and in it he argues that we have become more interested in the lives of artists than in their work because we have a lost any stable idea of what a “good work” is. In fact, the chief feature of postmodernism—the dominant “ism” of our moment—is its resistance to the very idea of value, which is considered an elitist cultural construct.Read More
Denver Area Workshops & Reading on Thursday, October 29
Writers Studio is pleased to present Thursday Evening Workshops and a Reading on October 29, 2009, with two esteemed Colorado writers, Poet Jared Smith and Poet/Playwright/Writer Rita Brady Kiefer. The events take place on the Arapahoe Community College campus in the Half Moon event center in the Main ACC Building. Workshops begin at 5:30 p.m., and readings begin at 7:30 p.m. Please note that advance reservations are required for the workshops! No reservations are required to attend the reading. Reservations and Fees Workshop and Reading: To reserve your space in a workhshop, please email writerstudio@arapahoe.edu by October 26.Read More