On W. S. Merwin and Paul Carroll


  1. Marian Janssen
    Marian Janssen August 18, 2012 at 10:49 am .

    I'll be talking on Paul Carroll and Isabella Gardner for the Inaugural conference of the European Beat Studies Network, see http://ebsn.eu/ Much information on their relationship is to be found in my biography of Gardner, for which I interviewed Carroll. The book is called Not at All What One Is Used To: The Life and Times of Isabella Gardner, see http://www.amazon.com/

  2. Nick
    Nick February 21, 2011 at 5:53 am .

    Paul Carroll—Chicago Poet 1926-1996 <br />By Bob Boldt<br /> <br /><br />At North and Clyborn, I see you riding<br />west on that dilapidated bike,<br />your raincoat flapping.<br /><br />Only the North Avenue whores, awaiting <br />their harvest of Friday homebound drones, <br />regard you—indifferently.<br />Your shabby vestments promise nothing. <br /><br />The bobble-headed pigeons, <br />

  3. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison July 3, 2010 at 10:29 pm .

    I&#39;m envious, Robert! Carroll is one of my heroes, really. His criticism enacted inquiries into poems in search of their inner substance, not to pass judgement or claim them for a cause. We could use more like him.

  4. Robert Schwab
    Robert Schwab July 3, 2010 at 7:37 pm .

    Hey Joe, <br />I appreciate both these recent posts about Paul Carroll. I studied under him in a course at the University of Illinois, Chicago, sitting across the table from Albie Goldbarth, who was also in the class, but who will never see these posts, I think, because he doesn&#39;t use a computer. <br /><br />Carroll was a good teacher as well as poet. He allowed each of us to do our thing and

  5. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison July 2, 2010 at 2:58 pm .

    Now that&#39;s a worthy fantasy! I have a couple of poets in mind myself who deserve the recognition. On the other hand, Merwin&#39;s example—as a poet, essayist, fabulist, translator, and independent scholar—is certainly worth spotlighting in this era of the academic poet. Not that all academic poets are compromised, but the system as a rule provides poor examples for young poets, sucking them

  6. JforJames
    JforJames July 2, 2010 at 2:14 pm .

    I&#39;m happy to know about Paul Carroll and that book, The Poem In It&#39;s Skin (nice title, too), I&#39;ll scare up a copy soon I hope.<br /><br />I&#39;m a big Merwin fan. I&#39;ve always been attracted by the way he casts lines without punctuation. <br /><br />Still, I wish, when Merwin got the call from the Library of Congress, that he&#39;d said something like, &quot;You know I&#39;m

  7. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison July 2, 2010 at 2:03 pm .

    I have to admit that part of my pleasure in Merwin&#39;s selection was the picture it brought to mind of Ron Silliman&#39;s head popping off like a champagne cork. And sure enough! I had a notion to reply to it, but I&#39;ve had my say on the subject. And how does one reply to &quot;What a distance we still have to travel&quot;? <i>We?</i> Oh yes—he means the members of his tribe, much as George

  8. vazambam
    vazambam July 2, 2010 at 9:36 am .

    Thanks for this post, as it brought back memories of Paul Carroll&#39;s book &quot;The Poem in Its Skin&quot; which I had in my library sometime, somewhere, someplace and which I now cannot find–what a loss! <br /><br />As for Merwin, compare your post to what <a href="http://Sillimanhttp://ronsilliman.blogspot.com/&quot; rel="nofollow">Ron Silliman</a> has to say about Merwin&#39;s selection as the

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