Adios, Bella Akhmadulina


  1. Ed Baker
    Ed Baker December 16, 2010 at 2:58 pm .

    John Levy !<br /> an &#39;oldiie goldie&#39;<br /><br />I could &quot;say&quot; more but […]<br /><br />1971 was a &quot;good&quot; (productive year for me, too<br /><br />Eliott Coleman &quot;drove the bus&quot; at Hopkins<br />when their Creative Writing Seminars<br /><br />…had a life of its own… before Academia &#39;sucked it dry&quot;<br /><br />as for Denise

  2. vazambam
    vazambam December 16, 2010 at 6:43 am .

    I was introduced to Akhmadulina&#39;s poetry by Denise Levertov (who thought wonders of her work) at the 1971 Writer&#39;s Conference in The Rocky Mountains held in Boulder; I was a Poetry Fellow at that particular two-week conference and had Denise as my advisor; also at that particularly exciting conference were Mitch Goodman, Richard Hugo and Isaac Bashevis Singer, among others–Hugo was

  3. Lyle Daggett
    Lyle Daggett December 16, 2010 at 5:44 am .

    I&#39;ve known of F.D. Reeve as a poet and translator for a number of years. A poem of his is in the Walter Lowenfels anthology <i>Where Is Vietnam?</i> published in the late 1960&#39;s, probably the first time I read anything by him. I&#39;ve also had on my shelf an anthology of 20th century Russian short stories that Reeve compiled and translated, has some nice work in it.<br /><br />He was

  4. Anonymous
    Anonymous December 16, 2010 at 1:12 am .

    just this…<br />pretty soon<br />anybody who knew anybody<br />will be dead…<br /><br />her book! $1.99<br />shipping and handling…. $4.99<br /><br />if I say:<br /><br />&quot;Bill Stafford wrote me re: Hexapoems and said:<br /><br />&quot;[….]&quot;<br /><br />I&#39;d get a &quot;you got a note from William Stafford? You got delusions of grander … site your internet sources&quot;<br

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