Adios, Andrei


  1. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison June 4, 2010 at 1:53 pm .

    When I went to grade school at the University of British Columbia in 1972, they were still talking about Voznesensky's performance. I saw Joseph Brodsky read there, in early 1973 I believe, expecting a "Russian" reading. But Brodsky was restrained and sonorous, more like a priest than a rock star. I can't pretend I wasn't disappointed! And I never took the kind of pleasure

  2. Lyle Daggett
    Lyle Daggett June 4, 2010 at 4:22 am .

    The first time I heard Robert Bly read (1971 in Minneapolis), this was one of the poems he read. I&#39;ve never forgotten it.<br /><br />I never had the good fortune to hear Voznesensky read. (Heard Yevtushenko, many years ago, in St. Paul.) When I saw your post here I went Googling for any online audio of Voznesensky reading poems, also checked a couple of likely websites that feature audio of

  3. The Storialist
    The Storialist June 2, 2010 at 4:03 pm .

    Sad news. Thank you for sharing this.

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