DiDiodato in Mexico
Conrad and Friend (perhapsa member of the Redwood Nation) Mexico, where we go (on the Caribbean coast of Yucatán), inspires concentration. We’re usually there in April or early May, around my sweetie’s Yoga Fiesta—and where we stay (where we’ve stayed for 17 years now) is a quite, “boutique” hotel with a pool, a bar, a lending library, and hammocks scattered here and there in palapa shade and the shade of palm and almond trees.Read More
Mexico with Michael Hogan
I’ve been silent, more or less, for awhile now. Here and in my notebook, that is. I could blame it on scraping to sustain a livable income. Or on the demands of adjunct teaching. But the truth is I’m sick of my own voice. I mean, more precisely, my opinions. We all know which orifice an opinion is like because we all have one. Still, I have this stack of books read entirely, or finished, or merely begun in Mexico, during my wife Melody’s annual Yoga Fiesta.Read More
Seeking the Muse in Mexico
My wife Melody and I are heading out for Mexico today—our 13th year at our favorite mini-resort, Petit Lafitte, situated about 6 miles north of Playa del Carmen, on the Caribbean side of the Yucatán peninsula. Our first week will be all tangled up with Melody’s annual Yoga Fiesta. And who knows? This year I may even pretzelize! But normally I spend my time reading and writing—the only extended stretch of creative time I seem to carve out every year.Read More