Columbus, Cabrini, Indigenous Peoples, and Me
I meant to post this link to my book Marked Men on Indigenous Peoples Day since my book aims to honor Silas Soule, a soldier who defied orders and refused to let his men participate in the Sand Creek Massacre. I got distracted from posting when I discovered that here in Colorado, Columbus Day, which Indigenous Peoples Day was meant to replace, had been co-opted by yet another replacement holiday: Mother Cabrini Day.Read More
A Memorial Performance for Silas Soule
Silas Soule, ordered by Col. John Chivington to attack peaceful Cheyenne and Arapaho people camped at Sand Creek, heroically refused that order and kept the men under his command from participating in the ensuing massacre. A few months later supporters of Chivington took revenge by assassinating Soule on the streets of Denver.Read More