Bed of Coals—Signed Copies Available Now…
Note too that I’ve set aside 10 copies for any Perpetual Birder or friend of same who would like to review Bed of Coals in print or in pixels. Just email me at joe[at]jhwriter.com and let me know.Read More
Friday Notebook 03.04.2011
Another week lost to remunerative work—just one fragment huddled on my notebook’s page: The broken bellsounds over the broken fields.Black chopped earth,scattered clouds. Not substantial enough for a Friday Notebook entry, I think. So here’s another unpublished poem drawn from an old notebook. This one comes with a back story. * I remember being tremendously excited about this one. It felt like a breakthrough. I had so much confidence in it that I chose to read it before an audience that included some dauntingly talented poets: Bill Matthews, Jack Collom, Judith Moffett, and Reg Saner among them.Read More