Friday Notebook 07.01.2011
For my birthday, 80 degrees.Light wind. Windy light. * “Develop your legitimate strangeness.” —René Char, “Formal Share,” XXII (trans. Mary Ann Caws) * “To be a poet is to have an appetite for discomfort whose consummation, among the whirlwinds of all things existing and foreseen, stirs up, at the moment of closure, happiness.” —Char, “Formal Share,” XLII * “We belong to no one except the golden point of light from that lamp unknown to us, inaccessible to us, that keeps awake courage and silence.” —Char, “Leaves of Hypnos,” 5 (trans. Nancy Kline) [The studied nature of the above translation sent…
Poetry and the Poet’s Character
Reginald Shepherd, in a typically thoughtful and eloquent post, successfully critiques the notion that poets associated with Donald M. Allen’s seminal anthology, The New American Poets, wrote with political and/or social change as a goal. Unfortunately, as he reaches his conclusion, he uses his valuable analysis to make a puzzling claim: “If we were to judge works of art by their creators’ political positions, much would be ruled out of bounds.” On the surface this sounds admirably dispassionate; but the implications of his statement are troubling. First, let me narrow the focus from “art” in general to “poetry” in particular,…Read More