UPDATE: Cooperman, Brakefield, and Partridge — New Poetry Live!
Mark Your Calendar… Fire up your computer on Monday, January 29 at 7:00 p.m. MST and witness the inestimable poetic talent of Bob Cooperman. He’ll be Zooming into your reality with a reading that draws on his hilarious and heartfelt collections devoted to the Grateful Dead. Rock on! Here’s the Zoom link I forgot to include originally: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4852674647?pwd=eFdpa3dSUGsxNjNLYzE2RTVDUjdSUT09 Meeting ID: 485 267 4647 Passcode: W3CDY990 Then, on Thursday, February 1, get out of the house around 7:00 p.m. and head over to Grandma’s House Brewery (1710 S.Read More