“Thread of the Real” — Celebrating George McWhirter’s Griffin Prize
I wanted to celebrate my friend and mentor, George McWhirter, with a post on the Griffin Prize Facebook page. But the site limits the number of line returns to 100, and my tribute poem has too many to post there. SO … I’m posting it here and linking to it from the Griffin Prize Facebook page. I should say that this is the title poem of my collection Thread of the Real, but it is, above all, a tribute to George. Thread of the Real (For George, who shared the path through the dark wood) Who’d have thought: setting out…Read More
DiDiodato in Mexico
Conrad and Friend (perhapsa member of the Redwood Nation) Mexico, where we go (on the Caribbean coast of Yucatán), inspires concentration. We’re usually there in April or early May, around my sweetie’s Yoga Fiesta—and where we stay (where we’ve stayed for 17 years now) is a quite, “boutique” hotel with a pool, a bar, a lending library, and hammocks scattered here and there in palapa shade and the shade of palm and almond trees. The most distracting aspects are the whistling of cuervos (our birder friend Sherman says they’re a species of grackle) and the intermittent flicker of shadows across…Read More
Perpetual Birder Alert
A hearty hello to our newest birder, Irina Moga, who lives and writes in Ontario—in both English and French—though she began writing poetry in Romania, where she won the prize for poetry debut from the magazine Tribuna in Cluj-Napoca in 1981. She has published two collections, Limita Vizibilitatii (Limit of Visibility) in 1982 and Poemul Continuu (The Continuous Poem) in 1986, both under the pen name Irina Sturza. Irina blogs at The Continuous Poem, which I recommend everyone visit to sample her musings on what she calls “the orphic interval,” or “the quietness that precedes the birth of a metaphor.”…Read More