

  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous February 1, 2011 at 7:21 pm .

    yeah<br /><br />via the magic of the net…<br />I found an interview with RJ<br />done in 1995<br /><br />&amp;<br />really appreciated this :<br /><br />&quot;RJ: No. I just write a line. I write lines. And as I go along I always remember the lines before so it leads me to the next line which leads me to the next line ….&quot;<br /><br />seems like Ron Johnson &quot;dropped out&quot; (died)

  2. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison February 1, 2011 at 5:52 pm .

    Yes—<i>that</i> Ron Johnson. A terrific poet, and <i>Radi Os</i> is a wonderful read. Not a case of &quot;another brilliant idea that won&#39;t work&quot; (as my friend Reg Saner puts it in one of his poems). He manages to discover an almost Zen core in Milton that I would never have seen, and that I think is actually not there. But the fact that Johnson can make it be there… well, that&#39;s

  3. Anonymous
    Anonymous February 1, 2011 at 4:46 pm .

    &quot;deeply thought-less&quot;<br /><br />I like that especially the use of the hyphen <br /><br /><br />&quot;boss&quot;<br /><br />and<br /><br />is Ronald Johnson THE Ron Johnson of<br /><br />The Book of the Green Man and The Shrubberies (his last collection)<br /><br />he sure had/has a terrific eye and ear ..<br /><br />Guy Davenport said of RJ&#39;s &quot;stuff&quot; :<br /><br />&

  4. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison February 1, 2011 at 4:26 pm .

    Kokkie&#39;s right, Lyle. &quot;Punch cards.&quot; I remember them well. The first office job I ever had was with an educational testing company that processed thousands of the buggers—responses to standardized tests. My job was to sort them by the codes on the long side of each card. My first brush with dementia. I felt that same creeping enervation when I contemplated Beaulieu&#39;s project.<br

  5. awyn
    awyn February 1, 2011 at 1:54 pm .

    I approached it with an open mind. It&#39;s described as a translation &quot;project&quot;. Beaulieu transforms selected text words into color blocks and it&#39;s presented as a &quot;translation project.&quot; The words &quot;conceptual writing&quot; and &quot;concrete art&quot; are applied to it. I don&#39;t get it. Asked once about conceptual writing, Kenneth Goldsmith claimed it doesn&#39;

  6. Anonymous
    Anonymous February 1, 2011 at 1:20 pm .

    here is what I was referring to:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />WOW! I Am @ a l[xxx##%[ 4or ..&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;&lt;s.<br /><br />this &quot;poet&quot; is actually studying how to black-line someone else&#39;s worK at University and is on his/her way to an MA (now called an MFA) and a Phd…in &#39;it&#39;then he-she<br />will be able to &quot

  7. Anonymous
    Anonymous February 1, 2011 at 12:50 pm .

    they were &#39;punch cards&#39;<br /><br />we used them to run information into computers IBM 407 s, 1401 s the computers in those days just took the information off of the cards and didn&#39;t do much more than continuously sort that information<br />and the print out lists of that info sometime in the early 60 &quot;we&quot; got a bigger computer so the info was &quot;dumped&quot; on a

  8. Lyle Daggett
    Lyle Daggett February 1, 2011 at 4:58 am .

    The art example here initially reminded me of those computer cards of half a century ago (has it really been that long?) with small rectangular holes punched, as it seemed, randomly.<br /><br />Actually someone could probably create a picture like the sample here, by laying one of those computer cards on top of a sheet of paper, as a stencil of sorts, and then spraying (or air-brushing) paint.<br

  9. Anonymous
    Anonymous February 1, 2011 at 3:28 am .

    how can you possibly think that they can spell a big word like<br /><br />&quot;pretentious&quot; when they can&#39;t even spell a simple,<br />compund, word like &quot;horse shit&quot;?<br /><br />&amp;<br />you can not expect them to understand &quot;poetry&quot;<br />any more than a lay person can understan quantummum physics!<br /><br /><br />Kokkie-san

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