The Slipperiness of Academe |
“Perloff also seems to understand the problematizing act of Hawkey’s project, which manifoldly engages and investigates appropriation, dialogism, the creative act, and the anxiety of influence.”
—Some denizen of academia (I’m betting) named Harriet Staff
* Regarding horse pucky, it’s a cherished term from my childhood. It means “nonsense,” yes. But nonsense that reeks. That squishes between one’s mental toes. That causes the feet of one’s intellect to fly out and dump one down in the muck. See this earlier post.
well<br />here is another PIMP ! Charlie Bernstein :<br /><br />
Joe,<br /><br />Mehinks the photo titled "The Slipperiness of Academe" is not of "horse pucky," but of cow pucky, or – even better – bullshit. Wouldn't horse pucky be globular, as in "road apples?" The Iowa farm boy sees it was cattle that have been in this pasture…. 🙂
well Jay Ache<br /> by ANY other name<br />Horse Shit is Horse Shit<br /><br />and<br /><br />when it dries out one can no longer smell the stink…<br /><br />just like our contemporary Poetry:<br /><br />"horse puckies" make great fuel for the wood stove…<br /><br />so does "cow puckies" human poop is unusable,<br /><br />mostly. though in […] they feed it to