Duty and Delight


  1. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison June 20, 2008 at 5:47 pm .

    Just noticed your comment, Brian. Yes, <I>Yes</I> published my poem "Homing" all those years ago. A slightly revised version appeared in my 1992 collection <I>House of Mirrors</I>. By the way, I’ve just added a bunch of links to books of mine that are available online at various locations…<BR/><BR/>Cheers!<BR/><BR/>Joe

  2. brian salchert
    brian salchert June 17, 2008 at 6:20 pm .

    Yes. And speaking of this word in<BR/>another context, was "Homing" a<BR/>poem written by you, and was it<BR/>published in an issue of <I>Yes</I><BR/>years ago? As I too often do, I<BR/>searched my name today, and one of<BR/>the results was a link to Ebay Express where someone is selling a<BR/>run of <I>Yes</I> issues. Some <BR/>photos are provided. On one of <BR/>the photos it shows Joe

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