A hearty Welcome Aboard to “bahar physics,” who’s profile is non-published but whose blog followings suggest a science-minded physics major with a taste for the Humanities. Her (?) interest in The Perpetual Bird made me wonder how many physics poems are out there. The only one I can recall is Al Zolynas‘s The New Physics, from his 1979 collection of the same title, but a quick Google search has coughed up an intriguingly titled collection by John MacKenzie, Shaken by Physics; A. Van Jordan‘s Quantum Lyrics; and a blog called Entropy, which boasts a “Poetry-Physics” label for a select group of postings and which I intend to spend more time with in the future. Any others that spring to mind?
Good thoughts, Lyle. We could also throw in Jorie Graham's <a href="http://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=176591" rel="nofollow"><i>Dream of the Unified Field</i></a>, although (as I noted in an <a href="http://perpetualbird.blogspot.com/2008/10/scriptordillyicious.html" rel="nofollow">earlier post</a>), Graham's own use of physics seems to be more metaphorical than
Hard to think of specific poems offhand, though Kenneth Rexroth touches here and there on physics (among a raft of other subjects) in various of his poems.<br /><br />Muriel Rukeyser also comes to mind in this connection, though again I'm not thinking of specific poems offhand.<br /><br />And not quite precisely what you're discussing here, however a poet who comes to mind is Miroslav