Cavafy. Connery. Vangelis. Oh my….
I recommend full screen mode for this.Read More
Out and Back to Ithaka
Startling and yet imaginatively right to see images of the Southwest here. Are those Anasazi cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde or Canyon de Chelly? Powerful images in any case. And the resonant voice of Sean Connery leading us from one to another, borne along by the current of Vangelis’s music. Lovely! The translation is uncredited on YouTube but is by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard. It’s available in The Essential Cavafy and at various locations online, including the amazing C. P. Cavafy site.Read More
Friday Notebook 06.17.2011 (Insulting the Muse)
I somehow missed reading Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose in the years when it was so wildly popular, but I’m reading it now and enjoying the hell out of it (to put it eschatologically). Here are a couple of brief passages from the book that found their way into my notebook this week: In those dark times a wise man had to believe things that were in contradiction among themselves. * As an ancient proverb says, three fingers hold the pen, but the whole body works. And aches. Those were the scant pickin’s this week.Read More