Two delectable posts by Kent Johnson over at John Latta’s Isola di Rifuti (I recommend reading them in order, here and here).Read More
What Poetry Is For
If you don’t know the amazing poems of Bob Arnold (see here, here, here and here), and even if you do, I want to urge you toward this one.Read More
Mexico Books 2009: Immanent Visitor
I can’t pretend to understand the writing of Bolivian poet Jaime Saenz. It seems to arise from the imaginal without taking on the perceptual particularities we’ve come to expect from poetry in the long wake of Imagism and Objectivism (no, not the silly philosophy of Ayn Rand). For me, reading Saenz is similar to reading Blake‘s prophetic books, but Saenz doesn’t seem to be presenting a coherent visionary system; his poems are more surreal than symbolic—but in many ways even stranger and more compelling than almost any surrealist poetry I can think of.Read More