Interview with Ernesto Cardenal
Inspiration, Sweat and Tears
I’ve always been skeptical about the value of poets commenting on their own poems. This is purely subjective, based on my own experience: I have rarely said anything useful about my own poems and have often made actively unhelpful observations. But now and again I run across a poet who is uncommonly articulate about his or her own work (W. D. Snodgrass on The Fuehrer Bunker, for example, or Denise Levertov on “The Mutes”).Read More
After a long hiatus I’m back to submitting poems to journals and peddling a new book-length collection to publishers. The process is ugly, not just because it’s tedious or because it involves rejection (hell, I eat rejection for breakfast!), but because the more I read and re-read my own work the worse it looks.Read More
Paris Review Interviews Charles Simic
Also take a minute to listen to this audio of Simic reading “In the Planetarium” from his collection My Noiseless Entourage.Read More