A Prophecy for Our Lives Now (written sometime in the Reagan Era)
Neighborhood Watchby Don Gordon They are waiting for the night visitorWho comes unseen through the iron grid.They are praying for the family jewelsOr the sacred white jaguarLocked in its cave in the dark. Meanwhile the dehydrated old manIs dying of loneliness in his house.The widow next door strangles a cat for the same reason.The husband and wife in the doomed bungalowAre on the crumbling edge of mayhem. A country in love with itselfCannot regurgitate its worldly goods in time.It awaits the millennium in the museumWhere the stuffed eagle stares with glassy eyesInto the lean and ghostly past.Read More
Who Speaks to You?
I’m rereading Thomas McGrath’s magnificent Letter to an Imaginary Friend, in which he several times mentions Don Gordon. Don Gordon? A poet, it turns out, one of the many I’d never heard of until some other reader (usually another poet—in this case McGrath) brings them to my attention. Now I’ve discovered Don Gordon’s Collected Poems and am waiting for a check or two to clear so I can buy it.Read More