Check Out This Film Project in Progress
A Shakespearean Opportunity I’m excited about this fresh documentary creation by filmmaker Cheryl Eagan-Donovan. I donated to support her previous film, Nothing Is Truer than Truth, which premiered on Hulu in 2019 and is now available on Amazon Prime in North America, and I hope you’ll consider supporting her latest project, All the World’s a Stage: Shakespeare and the Invention of Modern Theatre.Read More
Against Witless Orthodoxy
For more, visit the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship. And watch Cheryl Eagan-Donovan‘s fine documentary, Nothing Is Truer than Truth, currently streaming for free.Read More
Nothing Is Truer than Truth (UPDATE)
Regarding my earlier post regarding the documentary film-in-progress on the subject of the real person who wrote under the pseudonym of “Shakespeare” … I just received this happy news: “Shakespeare” and Edward de Vere Dear friends: As a postscript to the last email Bulletin, I would like to extend a note of thanks to the 84 donors (and counting!) to the “Shakespeare” By Another Name-inspired documentary (Shakespeare in Venice: Nothing Is Truer Than Truth). As of 12:20 p.m.Read More