A Featherweight Weighs In
Natasha Vargas-Cooper on “Why We Should Stop Teaching Novels to High School Students“. On the Bookforum blog, yet! Her argument, such as it is—an argument that aspires to elevate personal limitations to educational policy—would clearly ban poetry from being taught as well. After all, the poor student might be confronted with a “metaphor to untangle.” Oh, Jaysus and all th’ saints save us from such a fate! That said, her implication that literature, especially novels and poetry, are often badly taught is worth pondering.Read More
A Mysterious Deference
This from a recent BookForum column by Paris Review managing editor Radhika Jones on one of the leading lights of UbuWeb, the so-called avant-garde archive: [Kenneth Goldsmith’s] position on writing is as follows: Modernism and postmodernism are over, and the literary arts have entered a new technology-driven paradigm. Originality is out the window. “Writers don’t need to write anything more,” he says.Read More