Adios, Aunt Betty
Betty Hill—Rest in Peace Readers of this blog know that we lost my Uncle Bill last November. Now his dear wife Betty is gone as well. She suffered from Parkinsons, the progress of which accelerated in the months after Bill’s death. Her passing is sad for those of us who loved her gentle spirit, her generosity and good humor. Pondering the sheer unfairness of her condition sometime back, I remembered this strangely comforting poem by Goethe: SONG OF THE TRAVELER AT EVENING Over all the hills now, Repose. In all the trees now Shows Barely a breath.Read More
Adios, Uncle Bill
Uncle Bill—A Feisty Soul October 22, 1929 – November 13, 2010 Equinox at the Rainbow Hill Ranch* for Bill and Betty Matted in early light, the grassuncurls around the ankles of the cows:damp smoke. The barn’s still dark, walls wet; the sodden beams creakin rootless sleep; and sharpenedby the cold, a fragrance of cut hay broods over the clank of an iron bell.Only those fruit-laden trees, bentlow, seem buoyant. I can almost hear the round earth whispering its storyto the seeds . . . feel the seasonholding its breath to listen. ______________________*From House of Mirrors.Read More