Patriot Games
“next to of course god america ilove you land of the pilgrims’ and so forth ohsay can you see by the dawn’s early mycountry ’tis of centuries come and goand are no more what of it we should worryin every language even deafanddumbthy sons acclaim your glorious name by gorryby jingo by gee by gosh by gumwhy talk of beauty what could be more beaut-iful than these heroic happy deadwho rushed like lions to the roaring slaughterthey did not stop to think they died insteadthen shall the voice of liberty be mute?” He spoke.Read More
In Praise of Hesitation
One reason I’m glad that President Obama, unlike George W. Bush, is hesitating to play Alexander in Afghanistan…. We have preferred the power that apes greatness, first Alexander and then the Roman conquerors whom the authors of our schoolbooks, through some incomparable vulgarity, teach us to admire. We, too, have conquered, moved boundaries, mastered heaven and earth. Our reason has driven all away. Alone at last, we end up by ruling over a desert.Read More
Statement on the Crisis in Gaza
NO MORE BLANK CHECK FOR ISRAEL! A group of New Jersey peace activists prepared an ad to appear in the Montclair Times, and we found ourselves in broad agreement with its content. We have modified the ad for use as a Campaign for Peace and Democracy sign-on statement. Go to the CPD website at www.cpdweb.org to sign. In its massive military attacks on Gaza, Israel has again engaged in actions contrary to morality, international law, the cause of peace, and to the long-term best interests of the people of Israel.Read More