Reading Cardenal with Cardenal


  1. Floyce Alexander
    Floyce Alexander February 3, 2016 at 5:05 pm .

    Terrific; wish I could’ve been there. (Give my regards to Victoria sometime.) Never met him, but might if I’d gone to Managua in the early 80s, I wrote a poem called “Rosa y Mariposa Hermosa, y Fosa,” published in my book American Fires, published in 2003 (first written twenty years earlier, and in manuscript rejected mostly everywhere before my friend Christopher Howell’s Lynx House Press published it).

  2. Rita Brady Kiefer
    Rita Brady Kiefer October 21, 2015 at 10:02 am .

    Just back from Cleveland. Feel deprived to have missed this “duet.” And you don’t look smug, You look like you’re purrrrring. Who wouldn’t be? You’re amazing, Mister Joe.

  3. Michael Hogan
    Michael Hogan October 16, 2015 at 5:15 am .

    A fantastic experience for your audience, Joe. I first met Fr. Ernesto (“Thou art a priest forever”) in Nicaragua twenty-five years ago. A dynamic poet and a fine human being dedicated to social justice and liberation. Yes, a much better poet than Pound. I agree. Certainly a much better human being. I would say more a combination of Octavio Paz and Bernie Sanders, although his own unique self. Thanks so much for sharing this. I hope someone recorded it all and will post on YouTube. It sounds like it was a memorable reading.

  4. Melody Madonna
    Melody Madonna October 15, 2015 at 8:47 pm .

    What an amazing opportunity and experience. I’m so proud of you and the way you have always followed your passion.

  5. Jim Keller
    Jim Keller October 15, 2015 at 2:47 pm .

    You’re everywhere, and your enthusiasm is boundless.

  6. Pat Dubrava
    Pat Dubrava October 15, 2015 at 1:22 pm .

    Love it! What a priceless experience!

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