

  1. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison November 21, 2010 at 5:51 pm .

    Noh-boddhi would ever accuse you of <i>not</i> playing with your own mind, Ed! By the way, you <a href="http://edbaker.maikosoft.com/&quot; rel="nofollow">read to me</a> awhile back, at bed time (as it happens), and I couldn&#39;t sleep most of the night for turning it all over in my head. Thanks a lot!

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous November 21, 2010 at 12:46 pm .

    say hey Joe!<br /><br />I saw the movie DEEP THOUGHT…<br />the plot s.u.c.k.-ed <br />&amp;<br />the visuals were … well<br />a bore…<br /><br />noh-boddhi seems-to-BE<br />anymore<br />playing in/with their OWN mind!<br /><br />am recently googling around-and-about this stuff called Vispo… mostly computer-generated &quot;stuff&quot; all seems like it was/is being done by the same

  3. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison November 17, 2010 at 6:56 pm .

    I love &quot;peeps,&quot; Sandy! You&#39;re a cool chick.<br /><br />And Vassilis, your point is well taken: one&#39;s own poems are always trying. And thanks for the heads up about the problematized Harriet link, which I trust works correctly now!

  4. vazambam
    vazambam November 17, 2010 at 6:31 pm .

    Over at <a href="http://didiodatoc.blogspot.com/&quot; rel="nofollow">Word-Dreamer:poetics</a>,Conrad DiDiodato quotes something from Beckett as best advice yet to poets: &quot;Try again. Fail again. Fail better.&quot; My comment recommended tagging on another &quot;Try again&quot; at the end.

  5. Sandra S. McRae
    Sandra S. McRae November 17, 2010 at 5:22 pm .

    Seriously? Do it better or do it otherwise? Listen, bad comes in hundreds of flavors. But everyone likes Better best. Avoid workshops that don&#39;t beat the hell out of your weaknesses, peeps.

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