JuxtaProse Vol. 28 Arrives … at last!
JuxtaProse Literary Magazine, long one of the best online journals of poetry and prose (fiction and essays), went dark many months ago, and speculation was that it had folded for good. The editors didn’t say boo for many months, and now—voila! Volume 28 has appeared without fanfare or explanation. Since I have work in its pages, I’m especially glad for it.Read More
“Thread of the Real” — Celebrating George McWhirter’s Griffin Prize
I wanted to celebrate my friend and mentor, George McWhirter, with a post on the Griffin Prize Facebook page. But the site limits the number of line returns to 100, and my tribute poem has too many to post there. SO … I’m posting it here and linking to it from the Griffin Prize Facebook page. I should say that this is the title poem of my collection Thread of the Real, but it is, above all, a tribute to George.Read More
Two New Shorties in Abandoned Mine
Thanks to Abandoned Mine for offering up a couple of my short poems in their November issue. See here and here. But don’t miss reading around in the issue and in the Abandoned Mine archive. In the November selection I’d point especially to Thomas R.Read More
Two New Poems in Heimat Review
See https://heimatreview.weebly.com/issue-2-winter.html Heimat Review is a well-curated, beautifully designed new online journal.Read More
New Poem in Pedestal Magazine
Check out “Mindfulness” in Pedestal 90, just released.Read More
Exciting News about Under Sleep’s New Moon
Thanks to the judges at the Colorado Authors League for choosing Under Sleep’s New Moon for the 2022 Book Award for poetry. Very exciting! And more than a little surprising, given the puzzlement some folks have registered upon reading the title. More than one person has asked me a simple question: “What does it mean?”—my somewhat mysterious title. I get it.Read More
A Man with a Slant Rhyme: Contemplating Ted Kooser
Among my early memories are verses from Mother Goose. The perfect rhymes stick with me, sometimes within lines (“Hay-foot, straw-foot”) and sometimes nailed down at the ends of lines (“Hickory, dickory, dock, / The mouse ran up the clock”). Sometimes the rhymes did not quite align: “This little piggy went to market, / This little piggy stayed home, / This little piggy had roast beef, / This little piggy had none.” I was told that I said to my mother, “‘home” and ‘none’ don’t rhyme.” “But look,” she said. “‘This little piggy’ repeats.Read More
Full Cover — Under Sleep’s New Moon
Just submitted what I hope is the last of my edits to my new collection, which is now with the proofreader.Read More