Resonances and Hiddenness


  1. Ed Baker
    Ed Baker January 18, 2011 at 11:17 pm .

    pee-pee est<br /><br />Hey JAWL<br /><br />mentioned my Hopkins&#39; friend, Jeff Lohn<br /><br />well for one of my requirements in The Seminars I had to give a lecture/presentation<br />so I played that entire 5 hour Olson tape the Berkeley thing and the one the day before where Duncan introduces Olson<br /><br />Jeff got into it went over to the piano and started playing some Bach most

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous January 18, 2011 at 7:42 pm .

    just looking through my Cage &quot;stash&quot;<br />and found that note that John Cage wrote his address on<br /><br />&quot;from the desk of <br /><br /> johanna Ribbelink&quot;<br /><br />I didn&#39;t recal name of Cage&#39;s music publisher..<br /><br />so I googled &quot;johanna Ribbelink&quot;<br />turns out she was C.F. Peters&quot; (the publisher)&#39;s<br /

  3. Ed Baker
    Ed Baker January 18, 2011 at 5:44 pm .

    It&#39;s a <br />rather<br />long story<br />on one of my visits (1971) up to &quot;hang-out&quot; with my Main Muse 1971 NYC working on several &quot;runs&quot; of poetry while &#39;vacationing&quot; at/in Johns Hopkins&#39;<br />Writing Seminars program<br />I via Jeff Lohn discovered John Cage so<br />was working on Okenos Rhoos: a fugato for reader<br />well I saw that JC &#39;s music

  4. Ed Baker
    Ed Baker January 18, 2011 at 5:40 pm .

    It&#39;s a <br />rather<br />long story<br /><br />on one of my visits (1971) up to &quot;hang-out&quot; with my Main Muse 1971 NYC working on several &quot;runs&quot; of poetry while &#39;vacationing&quot; at/in Johns Hopkins&#39;<br />Writing Seminars program<br /><br />I via Jeff Lohn discovered John Cage so<br />was working on Okenos Rhoos: a fugato for reade<br /><br />and<br />well

  5. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison January 18, 2011 at 5:11 pm .

    I&#39;m under the weather, folks, so I won&#39;t respond in detail. Thanks to all for the great comments, referrals, etc.<br /><br />And Ed—re: what Duncan said to you. <i>Do tell…</i>

  6. Anonymous
    Anonymous January 18, 2011 at 3:51 pm .

    picked up a cpl years ago speaking of The Cantos &amp; now Charles Olson<br /><br />FOR A $!.99 x-library (SUNY At Buffalo hard-bound copy of <br /> Charles Olson &amp; Ezra Pound<br /> An Encountwer at St. Elizabeths <br /><br />by Charles Olson via editor Seelye of CO&#39;s<br />record of these visits (1945) in notes, diaries, poems.<br /><br />check

  7. Kent Johnson
    Kent Johnson January 18, 2011 at 3:09 pm .

    Joe, everyone, <br /><br />Also check out Michael Boughn&#39;s Three Lectures, recently released by Shuffaloff Books. Clear, enlightening, brave on the critique of some things of the poetry moment. Must read for anyone interested in the &quot;Olson tradition.&quot;<br /><br />Kent

  8. Ed Baker
    Ed Baker January 17, 2011 at 11:44 pm .

    I too tried but never did get through The Cantos<br /><br />bout all I could &quot;handle&quot; was The Pisan Cantos<br /> barely..<br />both Duncan and Olson here (in D.C.) muchly visiting Pound at St. Elizabeth&#39;s <br /><br />one day I will tell UHAUL of my oneandonly meeting with/of Robert Duncan &amp; what he said to me….

  9. Conrad DiDiodato
    Conrad DiDiodato January 17, 2011 at 10:01 pm .

    &quot;To be fair to myself, though, I eked my way through The Cantos with Terrell&#39;s Companion at my elbow, and to be honest the exercise only made me appreciate just how depressing a wreck Pound&#39;s &quot;epic&quot; is.&quot;<br /><br />Bravo!<br /><br />I&#39;ve gotten only through the &quot;The Cantos&quot; &quot;required reading&quot; bits without taking the trouble (as you have) to

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