Poets and Their Audience


  1. William Michaelian
    William Michaelian July 16, 2008 at 8:27 pm .

    Brian, it occurs to me that a reading of Whitman’s poems actually could attract a huge audience — if they were read by today’s “stars.” But don’t ask me to suggest any, because I don’t know their names. In any case, I picture some sort of satellite broadcast, akin to the Beatles performing “All You Need Is Love” or “Hey Jude” in a live worldwide broadcast.<BR/><BR/>In the meantime, thank you, too

  2. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison July 16, 2008 at 2:23 pm .

    Hello, Brian and William—<BR/><BR/>The question of audience is a vexed one, I have to admit. I don’t advocate writing with this or that demographic in mind, but every poet somewhere along the line encounters readers who <I>get it</I>, and what fools we’d be if we stopped writing with those people somewhere in our concern. As long as that concern doesn’t become some kind of "mind-forg’d manacles",

  3. William Michaelian
    William Michaelian July 15, 2008 at 8:49 pm .

    Joe, thanks very much for adding my link. <A HREF="http://perpetualbird.blogspot.com/2008/07/simblins-update.html&quot; REL="nofollow">Simblins</A> aside, I sincerely appreciate it. Except for occasional brief stops elsewhere, yours and Ron Silliman’s are the only discussions of this sort that I make time to follow each day. Obviously, one could spend whole days following links and going from blog to

  4. brian salchert
    brian salchert July 15, 2008 at 7:27 pm .

    Although Eliot and a few other poets<BR/>attracted large audiences,<BR/>it would be a marvel if a poet’s<BR/>audience numbered 50,000 or more,<BR/>audiences of the size famous rock <BR/>bands have had.<BR/><BR/>I wonder if with the right promotion,<BR/>a reading of poems by Whitman<BR/>would draw that many.<BR/><BR/>If one were to go by book sales,<BR/>Corso was more popular than Ginsberg. <BR/>

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