On Pronouncements


  1. Lute
    Lute April 23, 2010 at 11:40 pm .

    scholar and translator,enthusiast<br /><br />none of them fine words says &quot;poet&quot;<br /><br />Hey Joe!<br />what&#39;s an enthusiast? <br /><br />Some fellow told me the other day<br />I had written an iambic pentameter line. I said &quot;what, where?&quot; I sure didn&#39;t mean to do that, what an awful thing. Sorta like a lot of them greek word things tend to pop up now &amp; again

  2. Joseph Hutchison
    Joseph Hutchison April 14, 2010 at 3:51 pm .

    You a naif? Me too, then. Nuff said.

  3. Tom
    Tom April 13, 2010 at 4:29 pm .

    Ben Zen would say: &quot;Time to start plowing and stop talking about the plow.&quot; I think I am the last one who could say what &quot;the vibrant core&quot; of my poetry is, and I don&#39;t know why I&#39;d want to try. It&#39;s tough enough to get hold of a poem by the tail, much less &quot;the vibrant core.&quot;<br /><br />Does this make me a naif? I guess. 🙂

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